
Приказују се постови за октобар, 2021

Kim Džong Un: Cilj Severne Koreje je vojska koju se niko neće usuditi da izazove

 KIM DŽONG UN  Cilj Severne Koreje je vojska koju se niko neće usuditi da izazove “Svaki korak koji smo preduzeli na putu razvoja naše odbrambene sposobnosti u proteklih pet godina, u kojima su urezana teška iskušenja kao i trenuci emotivnog oduševljenja, bio je korak za prilično veličanstvenu i vrednu revoluciju i patriotizam, korak za veliku pobedu; možemo biti ponosni na ovo pred našom Partijom, zemljom, ljudima i potomstvom". “Istorijski gledano, naša nacija je pretrpela izazove zbog invazije stranih sila i morala je da gradi socijalizam pod stalnim pretnjama neprijateljskih sila iz jednog veka u drugi”. “Ako zemlja nema sposobnosti samoodbrane odgovarajućeg nivoa, neizbežno će biti ostavljena na milost i nemilost spoljnoj vojnoj pretnji i, još gore, ne može da zaštiti postojanje sebe i svog naroda. To je bio nepromenljiv zakon prirode kroz ljudsku istoriju.” ” Videvši sadržaj raznih vojnih vežbi koje Sjedinjene Države i Južna Koreja često vode pod izgovorom...

Defence Development Exhibition "Self-Defence-2021" Opens with Splendor Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Commemorative Speech at Opening Ceremony

  Speech at the Defence Development Exhibition October 11, Juche 110 (2021) Comrades, Today we will have an opportunity to see with our own eyes how the defence capability of our glorious motherland, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, has developed. I extend warm congratulations to you, who are participating in the Defence Development Exhibition, an epitome of the advanced, modern and courageous character of our Korea. The Defence Development Exhibition Self-Defence 2021 opened today is adding lustre to the celebration of this year’s anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea. As its name denotes, this exhibition is a grand festival that will demonstrate intensively and visually the far-reaching ambition, leadership ability and practical executive capability of our Party that is bringing about a fresh turn in consolidating the defence potential of our state by invariably holding fast to the invincible line of self-defence, as well as the leve...

Online Photo Exhibition to Mark the 76th Founding Anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea

  Online Photo Exhibition to Mark the 76 th Founding Anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea On October 9-11 th , New Communist Party of Yugoslavia and Serbian National Committee on the Study of Juche Idea jointly organized Online Photo Exhibition “Under the Guidance of the Workers’ Party of Korea”successfully through its website. In the Exhibition 1,730 peoples of every degree including members of the NKPJ and Organization on the Study of Juche Idea participated. Mr.Viktor Janković, Head of the Serbian National Committee on the Study of Juche Idea released a statement as follows: Comrade Kim Jong Un, General Secreatary of the WPK is leading all undertakings such as Party and state building, the way President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) and General Kim Jong Il (1942-2011) did; he is steadfast in implementing their plans and instructions without the slightest deflection. After the demise of General Kim Jong Il on December 17, 2011, Kim Jong Un proclaimed as the ultim...

Under the Guidance of the Workers’ Party of Korea

  Under the Guidance of the Workers’ Party of Korea The Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) greets its 76th anniversary on October 10, 2021. The history of the WPK is that of struggle for the Korean people’s dignity, destiny and happiness. With the founding of the WPK by Kim Il Sung , eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Korean people could have the General Staff of the revolution that leads them to shape their destiny in an independent and creative way. Kim Jong Il , eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, conducted energetic ideological and theoretical activities and wisely led the WPK to develop into a revolutionary party of Juche in which the leaders’ ideological and leadership systems are firmly established, into a motherly party which has formed a harmonious whole with the masses of the people, and serves them and enjoys their absolute support and trust. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un , who adds brilliance to the ...