Respected Comrade Visits Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery Boundless respects of all the people of the DPRK greeting the great V-Day are extended to the Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery at the foot of Mt Sokpak where the dignified flags of our powerful state and the Workers’ Party of Korea embrace the heroic war martyrs in their immortal images. Solemnly recalling the revolutionary spirit of the defenders of the country in the 1950s, who provided the immortal glory and honour of heroic Korea and its heroic people, senior state officials, commanding officers of the People’s Army, working people and new generations including students of revolutionary schools and youth and students, together with war veterans, visit the cemetery with beautiful flowers in their hands. Kim Jong Un , general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visited the Fatherland Liberat...