
Приказују се постови за фебруар, 2021


  ŽIVOTNI PUT DRUGA KIM JONG IL-a INSPIRACIJA ZA SVE SLOBODOLJUBIVE LJUDE Drug Kim Jong Il rođen je 16. februara 1942. godine u tajnom kampu na planini Pektu gde se nalazila vrhovna komanda Korejske narodno-revolucionarne armije. Njegov otac bio je tada vođa Korejske narodno-revolucinarne armije i potonji osnivača DNR Koreje, a majka Kim Džon Suk,  heroine antijapanske borbe korejskog naroda. Osnovnu i srednju školu završio je u Pjongjangu. Kao srednjoškolac obavljao je funkciju predsednika školske Dečije organizacije, a potom i funkciju zamenika Demokratskog saveza mladih. U to vreme drug Kim Džon Il ostao je zapamćen kao pokretač mnogih omladinskih akcija i foruma. Godine 1960. upisao se na Univerzitet „Kim Il Sung“ gde je četiri godine kasnije diplomirao političku ekonomiju. Tokom studentskih dana Kim Džong Il počeo je ozbiljnije da se bavi idejnim i teoretskim p...

Report of Online Meeting to celebrate the Day of the Shining Star

Report of Online Meeting to celebrate the Day of the Shining Star . Organised by the SERBIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THE STUDY OF JUCHE IDEA An online meeting was held on 14.02.2021 to mark the Day of the Shining Star , the 79th anniversary of the birth of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL . It was organised by the SERBIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THE STUDY OF JUCHE IDEA. Comrade Viktor Jankovic  opened the meeting and welcomed the participants. Comrade Viktor Jankovic in his speech said ,in part , that, "Chairman Kim Jong Il was born on February 16, 1942 as a bright star of Mt. Paektu when the anti-Japanese armed struggle was at its height. He, possessed of the personality and qualification of great man, had led the sacred history of revolution for decade after decade.   He, regarding it as his lifelong motto to believe in the people as in Heaven, had shared bitters and sweets with his people and turned the DPRK into the people-centered socialist paradise. Now the DPRK is ...

