
Приказују се постови за фебруар, 2023

Book Releasing Ceremony on the Day of the Shining Star

  Book Releasing Ceremony on the Day of the Shining Star   On the occasions of the 81st anniversary of birth of the Great Comrade  KIM JONG IL, the Book Releasing Ceremony took in Novi Sad on Feb 18 th , 2023. Mr Viktor Janovic, president of Study of the Juche Idea of Serbia opened the meeting by saying that the birth anniversary of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL is celebrated by the Korean people and world progressive people as the Day of the Shining Star. On the occasions of the 81st anniversary of birth of the Great Comrade  KIM JONG IL , the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia and Serbian National Committee on the Study of Juche Idea publish the Immortal Work “ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF REVOLUTIONARY PARTY BUILDING” in order to perpetuate the immortal exploits of the Party building performed by the great leader 31 years have passed since KIM JONG IL made his historic Work "On the Fundamentals of Revolutionary Party Building“. Th...

Bringing Happiness to the People


Kim Jong Il and Political Independence

    Kim Jong Il and Political Independence   Kim Jong Il (1942-2011), eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea , maintained the Juche idea as his political philosophy in the revolution and construction throughout his life. The Juche idea clarifies that man is the master of his own destiny and he has the strength with which to carve out his destiny. In the closing years of last century socialism collapsed in several countries in succession, but the DPRK remained unperturbed; the credit should go to the line of independence maintained by Kim Jong Il. When the allied imperialist forces of the world were claiming about the “end of socialism,” he made public several works including The Historical Lesson in Building Socialism and the General Line of Our Party , Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable and Socialism Is a Science . Through these works, the world was convinced of his faith in the truthfulness and scien...

Commemorative Lecture Meeting

  Commemorative Lecture Meeting   On the occasions of the 81 st birth anniversary of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il (Feb 16 th , 1942) and the 75 th founding anniversary of the Korean People’ s Army (Feb 8 th , 1948), Serbian Preparatory Committee for celebrating the Day of the Shining Star organized the commemorative lecture meeting on Feb 8. Mr. Victor Jancovic, Chairman of the Serbian Preparatory Committee for celebrating the Day of the Shining Star and Chairman of the Serbian National Committee on the Study of the Juche Idea addressed as follows: “The Korean People’s Army is the invincible revolutionary armed forces whom no one can match with. What is the essential factors in the strengthening and development of the Korean People’s Army? The first one is that the KPA has been led by outstanding leaders. President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), who founded the KPA and defeated the US and Japanese imperialists in one generation, was an ever-victorious veteran...

Under the Leadership of Great Commanders

February 8, Juche 112 (2023) marks the 75 th  founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Army. The KPA’s history is a period in which it has been continuously strengthened under the leadership of the great commanders. The great leader  Comrade   Kim Il Sung , founding father of socialist Korea, regarded organizing a powerful regular army as a prerequisite for building an independent sovereign state after the country’s liberation from Japan’s military occupation on August 15, 1945, and founded the KPA as regular revolutionary armed forces, which inherited the traditions of the anti-Japanese struggle. The US imperialists ignited the Korean war on June 25, 1950, when it was a little more than two years after the founding of the KPA, but it defeated them and achieved a historic victory in the war on July 27, 1953. Since then it has firmly guaranteed the victorious advance of socialism in the country by frustrating the ceaseless military provocations by the US imperialists. T...