August 25, a Day That Will Go Down Forever in History
August 25, a Day That Will Go Down Forever in History August 25 is a day which has a significant bearing on the history and development of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and on the destiny of its people. On this day in 1960, Chairman Kim Jong Il (1942-2011) visited the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105 th Tank Division of the Korean People’s Army. Looking round the division, he referred to the character, mission and traditions of struggle of the KPA and to the tasks for further strengthening the KPA politically and ideologically, militarily and technically. While having a lunch with officials accompanying him and commanding officers of the division on a flat rock in the vicinity of the division headquarters, he said to them: I intend to pay close attention to perfecting the combat preparations of the KPA. If a country is to remain strong, its army must be strong. It is my determination to make ours a military power which no enemy would dare to provoke. ...