Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Meets KPA Medics and Makes Congratulatory Speech
Respected Comrade
The KPA medics gathered at the April 25 House of Culture by the special order of the respected Comrade
The soldiers discharged their bounden duty as the army of the Party and the people, but
Noting that the army medics took the greatest trouble to defuse the epidemic crisis in the capital city, he gave warm thanks, on behalf of the Party, the country and the people, to them for having displayed the indefatigable spirit and the invincible combat strength of our army and the noble traits and fidelity of the Party’s army by dedicating themselves with firm confidence and courage in the anti-epidemic combat field of the capital city, the key theatre decisive of the victory in the national anti-epidemic struggle.
He said that the bravery and self-sacrificing spirit shown by the medics in the anti-epidemic campaign in the capital was a spiritual characteristic coming from the exceptional loyalty of our servicepersons who know best the true heart of their Supreme Commander and carry out his intention without hesitation.
Saying it was a true picture of the army medics, printed in the mind of Pyongyang citizens during the sacred struggle of 91 days, that they are revolutionary soldiers boundlessly faithful to our Party and sons and brothers of the people, he gave a high appreciation of the brilliant merits of the medics who displayed the militant features of our army going through thick and thin to carry out the Party’s orders and reliably defended the priceless revolutionary asset of great army-people unity, the root of our society.
Noting that it is our Party’s high pride and honor to have the reliable revolutionary army which has been always honorable for the sacred and glorious name, people’s army, he earnestly called on all the participants to faithfully serve our great state, Party and people and our great dignity and honor in the future, too.
The moment
He specially called and congratulated medics who performed distinguished feats in the anti-epidemic struggle in the capital.
He shook hands with them one by one and recognized their services. They greatly contributed to further encouraging and flourishing the fine communist virtues and traits throughout the society by devoting themselves to the protection of the citizens’ lives and health with absolute loyalty to the order of the Party Central Committee and unconditional love for and dedication to the people.
He had a photo session with them, hoping that they who performed brilliant merits on the forefront for defending the people would continue to work faithfully as able field medics and renowned field doctors reliably defending our precious socialist country where our people live in good health free from any disease.
All the participants hardened their strong resolve to more fully display
the invincible fighting strength and heroic stamina of the great