Immortal Great Programme to Be Specially Recorded in History of Juche-based Revolutionary Party Building
Great Programme to Be Specially Recorded in History of Juche-based
Revolutionary Party Building Respected
Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Central Cadres Training School of WPK and
Gives Commemorative Lecture
Under the seasoned and experienced leadership of the great Party
Central Committee, the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) is setting an epochal
example in the cause of party building and demonstrating the dignity, honor and
heroism of the powerful country all over the world along
with the new era of the Juche revolution.
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of
the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited the Central Cadres Training
School of the WPK, the highest seat for training party cadres, on Oct. 17 to
give a commemorative lecture to be specially recorded in the history of
development of our Party.
Then, Kim Jong Un,
general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, gave a historic commemorative
lecture titled "On the Orientation of the Building of Our Party in the New Era
and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of
Korea" before the teaching staff and students of the Central
Cadres Training School.
The lecture hall was filled with great joy and excitement of the
participants receiving his revolutionary lecture to be kept as the honor of
their whole life at the platform.
When the General Secretary took the platform, the enthusiastic
cheers of the audience were bursting out in welcome of him, outstanding leader
of the Juche revolution who is devoting tireless thought and efforts to the
development of the WPK, eternal prosperity and glory of the country and the
well-being of the people.
He gave thanks in the name of the Party Central Committee to the
teaching staff and students of the school who are striving to fulfill their
revolutionary duty with the sacred mission of training the core elements of the
Party at a time when the work for strengthening our great Party is getting more
intensified than ever before and is becoming more important as a historic task
for the future of our revolution, and started his lecture.
The Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea
is a pedigree establishment for training Party cadres under the direct guidance
of our Party Central Committee.
Our long and glorious history of Party building and struggle is
associated with the great contribution made by the Central Cadres Training
It was a very just and wise step for our Party to have established
the Central Party School in the early days of its founding.
After liberation, our Party, which had to guide the cause of
nation building and army building, was faced with the important task of rapidly
expanding and strengthening its forces and, at the same time, laying the
indispensable organizational and ideo-theoretical foundations for developing
itself into a socialist ruling party in the future.
Thanks to the far-sighted initiative and leadership of the
President, a permanent Party school was established on June 1, 1946 to train
Party cadres for the first time in our country so as to fulfill the immediate
tasks of the revolution and its strategic and historic duty.
With the founding of the Central Party School, our Party came to
have a powerful pedigree establishment able to train core cadres systematically
from the outset and solve theoretical and practical problems in depth even
under the complicated and difficult situation.
In conformity with the mission assigned in each annals of the
revolution, the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea
has steadily trained its competent cadres and systematized the Party's ideas,
lines and policies in a theoretical and comprehensive way, thus defending the
Party's organizational and ideological strengthening and leadership activities
in educational, practical and academic fields.
A large number of Party officials and talented personnel produced
by the school have set an example in leading the masses through their effective
and staunch activities in the Party and state building and in all fields of the
revolutionary struggle, and contributed greatly to the victorious advance of
our Party and revolution.
It has been a pride of our Party that there is a prestigious
educational and theoretical camp that reliably supports the struggle of the
socialist ruling party while maintaining a high sense of responsibility, a
sincere approach to the revolutionary cause and a substantial teaching
Today our Party faces a responsible period when it has to inevitably
link its leadership history of nearly 80 years to 100 years or more.
The position and duty of the Central Cadres Training School of the
Workers' Party of Korea are very important in this work.
It is obvious that if the educational system is not perfect enough
to train the eminent reserves of the Party, even though the revolutionary idea
of the Party is great and its exploits are enormous, and if reserves to take
charge of the cause of the Party are not well prepared, the future of the
Party, far from inheriting its ideology and exploits, is inconceivable, he
said, stressing the need to give a new innovation and development to the system
of training reserves and the work for training cadres of the Party.
Saying it is important to intensify the education and struggle for
always maintaining and displaying the noble idea and determination in the early
periods of the Party founding throughout the Party and, at the same time, push
forward in a responsible and strong way with the work to train Party officials
who have acquired the revolutionary climate of our Party, he noted that at
present the Party Central Committee has set forth clear ideas, theories and
policies for improving and strengthening the Party building and activities in
view of the practical requirements of socialist construction and the essential
requirements for the future development of the Juche revolution and made great
efforts to implement them.
He said that the important ideas, theories and practical
experience being explored, formulated and implemented in the course of the
historic struggle to improve the leadership ability, fighting efficiency and
leadership art of the Party in conformity with the new era of the developing
revolution should be actively applied to the training of Party cadres and
systematized and enriched in a scientific way without delay to work for
strengthening the whole Party and developing it in a long-term way. And he
referred to the successes achieved by the WPK in its development course of the
past decade and to the orientation of the Party building in the new era and the
tasks and ways for improving the school work.
He mentioned the last ten years of struggle for the strengthening
of the Party.
The ten years of struggle for modeling the whole Party on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism was the most
crucial and decisive decade for the existence and future of our Party, he said,
and went on:
Our Party and revolution have made remarkable progress and
development in the past decade, maintaining their fundamental character to the
This is by no means a result of the times.
It is an outcome of the indomitable struggle of our Party which
has been resolutely engaged in the pursuit and application of correct solution
to the succession and development, deeply mindful of its important mission for
them. Without this, there would have been no great reality of today.
The characteristics of our Party building in the last decade are
the combination of thorough succession and fresh innovativeness, and the
combination of the strengthening of Party work for the fulfillment of the
immediate revolutionary tasks and the long-term building of the Party which
guarantees the future development of the revolution.
Over the past decade our Party has undergone a succession and a
development of historic significance in self-strengthening.
The watershed, which classifies the process of change in our Party
building by large in this period, is one time of the Party conference and two
times of Party congresses.
For our Party, the Fourth Party Conference and the Seventh and
Eighth Party congresses were not merely the highest meetings pursuant to the
passage of time and the change of generations, but an epochal occasion in which
the essential and active development stages were established in Party building.
The Fourth Conference of the Workers' Party of Korea in April
2012, in line with the historic task of carrying forward the revolutionary
cause, defined the Party's guiding ideology and supreme programme ensuring
thorough inheritance and formed a new leadership capable of confidently
steering its implementation.
This provided our Party with a firm political, organizational and
ideological guarantee for invariably carrying forward the cause of building the
Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party at the outset of the new century of Juche.
The Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea in May 2016
was a congress held in 36 years in the history of our Party, and it opened up a
new stage in the strengthening and development of the Party.
The Seventh Congress proudly reviewed the militant course of the
WPK built into the dignified Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party and advanced the
tasks of struggle for further strengthening the revolutionary character of the
Party and steadily enhancing its leadership role as required by the developing
revolution. The leadership and militant might of our Party was clearly
demonstrated through it.
The Eighth Congress of the WPK in January 2021 brought about a new
revolutionary turn in increasing the leadership and fighting efficiency of the
Party in every way.
With the Eighth Congress as a starting point, our Party came to
have its regular and effective work system that leads the development of the
revolution and its self-strengthening with a cycle of five years, and to
develop in a sustained and innovative way the overall Party work on the basis
of the Party's Rules, revised in conformity with the principles of Party
building and Party work, and of the functions and role of the readjusted and
rearranged Party central organizations.
In addition, the Party Central Committee plenary meetings and
sectional meetings aimed at enhancing the leadership role of the Party and
reinforcing the essential elements and links for strengthening the whole Party
were held in a planned way.
As you see, on the principle of giving priority to its
strengthening and development, our Party actively set the major momentums that
constitute the milestone in the building of the Party and the development of
its work and passed through a significant course. That's why our Party could
carry out in a revolutionary way the important tasks of inevitable succession
and development, preventing the confusion and throes that may appear in the
days of succeeding the leadership of a socialist ruling party.
Looking back on the past decade's militant course, which was by no
means unusual, our Party can be proud of the great triumphant successes of
fundamental and key significance in its development and in the accomplishment
of the revolutionary cause.
The successes achieved by our Party in its building and work over
the past decade are three major ones: firstly, it has firmly defended and
inherited the monolithic ideology and leadership; secondly, it has remarkably
enhanced its leadership function and role; and thirdly, it has further
strengthened its revolutionary character of serving the people.
The establishment of an eternal foundation for the continued
development of our Party into a revolutionary party with a firm oneness of
ideology and leadership is the most precious success made in Party building
during this period.
If the party that leads the revolution and construction is to
overcome all challenges of history and remain faithful to its mission to the
last, it must always ensure the unity of ideology and action thoroughly.
In other words, the whole Party should unite in ideology and
purpose and harmonize action with practice on the basis of one ideology and one
Such demand entirely conforms to the general principle and reason;
Just as a human organism, if dominated by two brains, not a single brain,
cannot perform normal activities, a party cannot play its function as an
organization and will be divided if it is not guided by a single brain, a
single centre.
Of course, the WPK has long been built into a party with monolithic
ideology and leadership. But, such tradition can not be defended and maintained
as it is by nature and by inertia and hereditarily when generation is replaced
by another.
If the work of consolidating the party's ideology and leadership
centre in the period of succession to the revolutionary cause is not
meticulously and forcefully carried out, it is inevitable that the preceding
leader's ideas and exploits are distorted and destroyed and the party cannot
prevent its discoloration and division and will eventually perish. This is a
serious lesson taught in the world history of socialist ruling party.
The reality proves the validity and vitality of building of our
Party that has consistently maintained the monolithic ideology and leadership
without any concession, and at the same time highlights the need to inherit it
most perfectly in any case, the General Secretary said, and went on:
In the first period of the new century of Juche, our Party defined
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as its unique guiding ideology and set it as its
strategic line of Party building to model the whole Party on
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. In this way it established a firm political backbone
for preserving its ideal and character forever and clearly defined the basic
orientation of its building.
And the whole Party has waged a vigorous struggle to defend, add
lustre to and carry forward the exploits of the preceding leaders.
With the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party
Central Committee in February 2015 as an occasion, our Party comprehensively
reviewed the successes, experience, shortcomings and lessons gained in
implementing the leader's instructions and further intensified this work.
As a result, firmly established was the unique climate of the
Party in which all its organizations in any sector and unit implement the
instructions of the preceding leaders in a perfect way at the level of the
times after formulating all of them.
The monolithic leadership system was established more thoroughly
in the Party and strengthened in every way. This means that the fundamental
issue has been settled in carrying forward the cause of revolutionary party
The fundamental issue in the succession of the revolutionary
cause, the cause of party building, is the succession to leadership, he said,
stressing that our Party vigorously conducted the work to thoroughly establish
the monolithic leadership system under the support of all its members at an
important historic period of succession to the revolutionary cause of Juche
and, on this basis, further consolidated the single-minded unity of the Party
and the people and firmly preserved the monolithic ideology and leadership
within the Party.
He said that the WPK has recently formulated a new definition of
the work for strengthening the monolithic leadership system and its goal to be
achieved and directed the overall practice of the Party work to its
realization. He continued:
It is precisely the most important review of the building of our
Party over the past ten years that we have provided a decisive guarantee for
accomplishing our revolutionary cause without any change or deviation by
carrying forward and thoroughly ensuring the monolithic ideology and
Another success achieved in our Party building over the past
decade is that the Party's leadership ability has been remarkably strengthened
and the fighting efficiency and activity of Party organizations have been
The authority and might of a socialist ruling party are clearly
manifested in the practice of leadership over the revolutionary struggle and
construction work.
What is important in fulfilling the mission of the Party to lead
the revolutionary cause without any twists and turns or deviations is to adopt
correct lines, policies, strategies and tactics, skillfully guide their
execution and thoroughly implement the fighting programme set forth by the
Party to cope with the changes in the situation in a skilful manner.
Entering the new century of Juche, our Party was faced with the
pressing tasks to maintain the socialist path and steer the development of the
times under the manifold severe challenges and difficulties.
Through its sincere ideo-theoretical activities, the Party Central
Committee explored scientific solutions to the new theoretical and practical problems
arising in Party building and activities and the revolution and construction
and paid great attention to formulating them as the organizational will of the
whole Party and realizing them through the struggle of the popular masses
What was important here was to restore the system of regularly
operating the Party congresses, the Party Central Committee plenary meetings,
its Political Bureau meetings and other major Party meetings in conformity with
the leadership position and function of the Party, the general staff of the
revolution, and improve their operation.
At important Party meetings, the Party's orientation, line and
policy of struggle have been agreed on in time and collectively to meet the
requirements of the developing revolution and the changing circumstances, and
the implementation of these policies has been reviewed periodically. As a
result, the unity, momentum, vigour and thoroughness have been firmly ensured
in the overall Party and state work and the leadership authority and role of
the Party have been raised remarkably.
In order to strengthen the Party's leadership over socialist
construction, it is necessary to imbue the whole Party with one ideology and
organize and mobilize well the masses for the implementation of Party policies.
The source of the Party's political leadership lies in the truth
and validity of ideas and policies, and in political and ideological work of
making them the ones of the masses themselves.
Our Party has always given priority to equipping the masses with
its ideas and policies and rousing them to their implementation, and has
achieved a number of successes.
By establishing a well-regulated system of immediately
communicating the Party's documents and policies to the whole Party and
reinforcing the Party's study network and other networks of internal education,
it ensured that the Party's revolutionary ideas, lines and policies are
disseminated in time to the basic organizations and the entire Party and all
the people know well about the fighting tasks set forth by the Party Central
In accordance with the requirements of revolutionary practice, we
enriched the content of Party ideological education with the main emphasis on
five-point education and developed our state-first principle into an all-people
patriotic spirit to wage a vigorous ideological campaign for creating a new
spirit of the times.
Education in the revolutionary traditions and revolutionary
history has been more active than ever before and the work of inheriting the
fighting spirit and traits of the preceding generations of the revolution is
being conducted strategically and step by step. This is also an important
change and development in the field of Party ideological work.
A remarkable progress has also been made in exploring and applying
new forms and methods to raise the effectiveness of information and motivation
work, including raising the character of state political events, achieving the
maximum political and educational effect by making creative innovations, and
ensuring the ideological, political and contemporary features and unity in
visual information.
The work that must be always prioritized and accompanied in
strengthening the Party's leadership is to consolidate the Party itself not
only ideologically but also organizationally as befitting the leading political
organization, the vanguard ranks of the revolution.
Saying that our Party has readjusted its fighting efficiency and
enhanced its activity by organizationally consolidating itself in a
comprehensive and detailed way over the past decade, he summarized a series of
measures taken by our Party from the development point of view and the results
of their implementation in order to make the whole Party move smoothly in
keeping with the reality, and the results of their implementation.
He said that the WPK defined the work of personnel administration,
the work of increasing the Party membership and the management of its ranks as
the three major axes to be channelled into strengthening the whole Party and
has intensified the work for building up and managing the ranks of cadres and
party members in a sound way, in conformity with the new fighting environment
and revolutionary tasks.
Noting that the work for strengthening the basic organizations of
the Party, to which importance has been consistently attached in party
building, has been further intensified over the past decade, he continued:
Our Party set it as an important link in strengthening the whole
Party to cement the Party cells and primary Party committees, and has regularly
held the meetings of cell secretaries and secretaries of primary Party
committees every five years to enhance the role of the chiefs of organizations.
Positive change is taking place in the work of the basic Party
organizations, through those occasions in which the Party has correctly
analyzed and assessed what was improved and what is unsettled in the work of
the party cells and primary party committees throughout the Party, taken
necessary measures and informed the secretaries of party cells and primary
committees of the intentions of the Party Central Committee and indicated the
clear orientation and tasks for their future activities.
In parallel with the strengthening of the basic organizations, the
meetings and short courses for different sectors of guidance and the work
sectors were held in a sequential and intensive way, including a short course
for chief secretaries of city and county Party committees, a special workshop
for officials in the Party life guidance sections of the organizational
departments of the provincial, city and county Party committees and a short
course for officials in the field of information. This was of weighty
significance in encouraging the leadership units and work departments at all
levels to have a good knowledge of their duties, principles of activities and
fighting directions and to improve the Party work.
Analyzing the fact that our Party put forward the strengthening
discipline as a prerequisite and urgent task for building the Party soundly
into the one of eternal prosperity and has pushed ahead with the work to
establish strict discipline within the Party and, as a result, the solid
climate of strictly observing the Party Rules and regulations and thoroughly
implementing the Party's policies is being established throughout the whole
Party, he said that our Party has been further refined politically and
developed organizationally and ideologically by readjusting and strengthening
its leadership ability and fighting efficiency in every way in the key period when
the most important and difficult tasks are accumulated in carrying out the
revolutionary cause.
It is another precious success that the revolutionary nature of
our Party as a genuine people's party has been firmly preserved and further
strengthened over the past decade, he said, and continued:
Since the revolution is a struggle to realize the independence of
the masses, the party that leads the revolution must never diverge from the
fundamental idea, the basic mission, of taking responsibility for the destiny
of the people and defending their interests in any case.
But the longer the political history of the socialist ruling party
grows, the less the spirit of serving the people becomes, and the more the
possibility of bureaucratic practices reigning over the people become.
The principle consistently maintained by the Party Central
Committee from the very day of its leadership activities was to highlight and
sustain the true nature of the Party which serves the masses absolutely and
From this point of view, we formulated the essence of
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the guiding ideology of the Party, as the
people-first principle and purposefully and persistently pushed forward with
the work to imbue the Party and state activities with the people-first
While carrying out the heavy tasks arising in socialist
construction by enlisting the strength of the masses, our Party has directed
great efforts to embodying the Juche-oriented outlook on the people and
philosophy of the people, the core of which is the unconditional service to the
people, in its activities in particular.
The idea of upholding our people sacred and the slogan
"Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!" and
the call for making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the great people
are an intensive expression of our Party's noble outlook on the people, and
they are regarded as an unshakable creed of all Party organizations and
officials in their work and activities.
Today our Party gives top priority to the people's will, demands,
interests and convenience and regards them as absolute in adopting and
implementing all policies, and in this course its organizations and officials
are fully displaying the spirit of serving the people.
It has become a main climate of the Party for its officials to go
closer to the people when there are in hard time, and the brisk projects for
providing the people with a stable and highly-civilized life are worked out and
The main obstacle to the implementation of the people-first
politics of our Party was the wrong ideological viewpoint and style of work
prevalent among officials.
The Party has steadily increased the degree of education and
struggle, regarding the work for correcting the wrong style of officials as a
vital political issue for keeping its peculiar character and nature and
guaranteeing its existence and development, and as an urgent task of
maintaining a revolutionary and sound political climate within the Party.
The struggle to overcome all sorts of wrong ideological views and
work-style, including irresponsibility for entrusted duty and lacks of
gumption, formalism and self-protection and practices of carelessness about the
people's living, was strictly and in detail conducted in every respect throughout
the whole Party.
In particular, we declared a war to wipe out abuses of power,
bureaucratism, irregularities and corruption, unit specialization and
impositions outside the taxes and took strong organizational and legal measures
step by step.
This has resulted in the suppression of anti-popular acts of
insulting the popular masses and violating their rights and interests, and most
of officials have become awakened to a great extent.
Our Party has remarkably increased its leadership ability and
fighting efficiency, while steadfastly maintaining its revolutionary character
and nature in the period of great succession and development of the Juche
revolution, thus laying a springboard for building a promising Party and
achieving great miraculous successes that can be convinced of the future of
socialism in the face of severe difficulties.
The proud successes and valuable experience gained in the building
of our Party over the past decade will serve as a solid foundation for
promoting the development of the Party in the future and be recorded clearly in
the history of the Juche-oriented revolutionary Party building.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified the
orientation of the WPK building in the new era.
Saying that the heavy yet enormous task and subjective and
objective situation facing our revolution at present and the lawful course of
socialist construction require the steady development in party building, he
continued his lecture:
As I have mentioned before, the Party is the guiding force and
organizer of the revolution, so the work of strengthening the Party should
always be ahead of the times and certainly be successful.
The cause of party building is precisely a revolutionary cause,
and the level of party building can be called the level of revolutionary
Our Party has achieved valuable successes in Party building over
the past decade, but we should step up the modeling of the whole Party on
Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism on a new, high stage with redoubled efforts.
What is important for the socialist ruling Party in opening up its
future is to resolutely maintain its own duty and principles of activity
without losing its centre of development under any circumstances and
conditions, continue to intensify the struggle for uniting the whole Party
around the Party Central Committee and always root firmly among the working
masses and gain the unanimous trust of all the people.
In particular, the greater tasks and the more difficulties the
revolution face, the more should we deepen the trust of the masses in the Party
and consolidate the cornerstone of their trust in it. This presents itself as a
preferential and core task.
Therefore, the Party Central Committee considers it necessary and
most appropriate to strengthen our Party into a party that is politically
mature, organizationally sound, ideologically pure, strictly disciplined and
sound in style as required by the new era.
In a word, we can say that political, organizational and
ideological construction and discipline and work style building are the
directions for our Party building in the new era.
The new five-point construction direction is very important both
in view of the historical lessons of the world socialist movement and in view
of the situation in our Party.
The history of the world socialist movement never knows that a
ruling party which is politically weak, organizationally and ideologically
unsound and dominated by indiscipline and wrong work-style had led correctly
the revolution and served the people with credit.
A party which was vulnerable to self-building, without exception,
lost the people's trust and leadership, and failed to overcome the challenges
and offensive of the counterrevolution.
Our Party has so far achieved a great victory, overcoming the
grave difficulties, through a tireless struggle to make the whole Party a
powerful integral organization and ideological pure entity and combine
leadership with the masses in the three aspects of organizational building,
ideological building and leadership art building.
Analyzing the subjective and objective conditions of our
revolution and the present situation of Party work, he explained the issues
arising in boldly overcoming the outdated and backward things that put a brake
on the building of the Party and the development of its work and in building
the Party in keeping with the new era by not resting on its laurels but putting
spurs to the strengthening of the whole Party and by working with more
appropriate and effective methodology.
He said that we should effectively promote the development of the
Party in line with the party building orientation in the new era and thus
establish the appearance and traits of the Party guaranteeing its eternal
prosperity and confidently advance toward the building of socialism and
communism. He went on:
We must press ahead with the political construction of the Party.
The Party's political construction is a central task in steadily
enhancing the Party's leadership ability and maintaining and consolidating its
correct political traits.
Our Party has so far purposefully and consistently in a unique way
conducted the work to strengthen itself politically.
In this way, we have set a world example in consolidating the
revolutionary political climate in the Party with the monolithic ideology and
leadership as the core and in equipping it with the appearance and prestige of
a political leadership organization.
There is no reason to neglect or egotize with the great success
our Party has achieved in this field, and in reality there is an urgent need to
raise the Party's leadership authority and further improve its political spirit
in the Party work.
The Party's political construction should always be given priority
and strengthened, and the other sectors of Party building, including
organizational and ideological building, should be led and defined by it.
The basic requirement of political construction is to intensify
the work for establishing the monolithic leadership system of the Party Central
Committee on a new level.
The monolithic leadership system of the Party Central Committee is
the backbone of our Party's leadership ability, the core of its political
traits, and the root of the high dignity and strong fighting efficiency of our
Party envied by all other revolutionary parties.
As has already been clarified, the ideal goal of establishing the
monolithic leadership system of the Party Central Committee is to make the
whole Party a single-hearted entity with the Party Central Committee, one head
and one body.
We should firmly defend the authority of the Party Central
Committee and unconditionally implement its ideas, decisions and instructions,
concentrate all the issues arising in Party work and activities on the Party
Central Committee in a thoroughgoing way, and deal with them according to its
conclusion, and not to delay even a moment but continue to conduct in depth the
work of establishing strict order and discipline in which the whole Party moves
as one under the unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.
What is important is to make the whole Party cherish faith and
maintain pure loyalty.
The monolithic leadership system of the Party Central Committee
will be further consolidated when it is supported by loyalty emanating from the
minds of officials and Party members of its own accord.
True loyalty to the Party does not come into being or harden into
faith overnight. Therefore, all Party organizations should not make pretence
but conduct effective cultivation of loyalty with great efforts, so as to make
it a trait of politico-ideological and moral obligation.
It is important to make thinking and activities of all the
officials and members of the Party consistent with loyalty and thus ensure that
the monolithic leadership system of the Party Central Committee is steadily
strengthened on the basis of the intense loyalty of the masses, no matter how
the situation may change and how much water may flow.
Another important requirement of political construction is to
ensure that Party committees at all levels perform their functions and role
correctly as the supreme leadership bodies and political staff of the units
The Party committee concerned should thoroughly maintain the
system and order of controlling and guiding in a unified way all the organs and
organizations in its region and unit, and ensure that all work is conducted
properly through the collective leadership of the Party committee while giving
full play to inner-Party democracy.
In particular, the work of the Party organizations should be
turned into the one with people and be consistent with political activities, so
as to overcome the tendency of Party work becoming administrative and practical
and of Party officials taking over administrative affairs.
Another important requirement of political construction is to
encourage all Party members to play their role as political activists with a
high degree of political consciousness.
This is precisely the task which our Party must tackle with a
focus in political construction.
It is self-evident that the party can fully discharge its mission
and role as the political general staff only when every party member forming
the Party has a good understanding and struggle as a voluntary vanguard and
political activist, he said, explaining the issues for raising the political
sensitivity and political and theoretical level of the party members and
enhancing the political activities of the party members. He went on:
Another important requirement of political construction is to
steadily develop the method of leadership on the revolution and construction.
The proper combination of leadership with the masses is always
essential in the political guidance of the Party.
We should actively apply to the Party work and activities of today
the powerful methods of leadership that have been created and whose vitality
have been displayed to the full by our Party in the course of its long struggle
of leading the revolution and construction, while enriching them in keeping
with the times and the development of the revolution.
We should also make effective use of the method of creating and
generalizing innovative and leaping new standards of development and models
that can be representative of the times in each sector and the campaigns in
which one overtakes and learns from others and swaps experiences with each other
and other methods created in the new era, so as to enlighten, encourage and
renew the whole of society.
It can be said that it is one of the leadership methods to steer
the excellent climate of the Party and the good tendency and atmosphere of the
whole society through the noble relations of trust, respect, devotion and
obligation between the Party and the masses in the glorious struggle of writing
a new history of the Juche revolution.
The whole Party should actively encourage and cultivate such good
traits as respecting and giving prominence to revolutionary forerunners,
pioneers of the times and honest working people, loving children and caring for
those in difficulties, so as to ensure that positive influence prevails
throughout social life and that noble virtues and affections continue to
develop into a national custom.
He stressed the need to continue to strengthen the organizational
building of the Party.
To steadily strengthen the party organizationally is an essential
requirement for consolidating the organizational unity of the whole party
centered on the Party Central Committee and ensuring the sound metabolism and
fighting efficiency of the party, he said, referring to a series of deviations
remaining in the work of organizationally readjusting and strengthening the
party, and elaborating on the principles for steadily consolidating the party
and revolutionary ranks in an organizational way as the revolution and
construction advance and struggle deepens.
He explained that it is an important task in organizational
building of the party to transform the party ranks into elites and it is
achieved as the substantial result of the work for increasing the party
membership and managing its ranks.
He stressed that the work with the masses is the work for consolidating
the party's mass foundation and strengthening the single-minded unity and at
the same time a vital issue related to the existence of the party. He also
referred to the issue of giving priority to the work for winning trust of the
masses and consolidating it, the issue of party organizations and officials for
always lending ear to the people's mindset, responding sensitively to and
properly coordinating their feelings and the issue of directing efforts to
working with the youth and students, an important guarantee for building the
party in the centuries.
He called for further deepening and developing the party's
organizational construction to steadily strengthen the party into an integral
organization and a party which achieved the unity of actions dynamically
advancing toward the construction of socialism and communism purposed by us by
overcoming any storm and stress.
He stressed the need to push ahead with the ideological building
of the party more dynamically.
Noting that precedence should be naturally given to the party's
ideological work before all other works in view of its essential requirement
and only then is it possible to prevent the change and degeneration of the
party and lead the revolutionary and enterprising development, he set forth in
detail the ways for enhancing the penetration and effectiveness of the
ideological work in conformity with the revolutionary development, the change
of the times and the level of consciousness of the masses.
He stressed the need to adhere to the principle of preserving the
monolithic management system of ideological work as the lifeblood and giving
priority to ideological work in all work, to conduct the work of developing and
enriching the contents of the Party's ideological education as required by the
revolutionary practice, to pay attention to regularly and substantially
operating the ideological work system and information and motivation forces and
means and actively using modern information means, to improve the form and
method of ideological work in keeping with the developing era and the change in
the people's consciousness, and to make the atmosphere of voluntarily studying
the party policy and new knowledge and working in a fresh way prevail in the
whole party by having the slogan for making the whole Party the studying party
become that of the masses themselves and to give vitality to the ideological
position and continue to rev up the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses by
increasing the output and influence of media and bringing about innovations in
creative activities in the literature and art.
He pointed out the issues of intensifying the struggle against
anti-socialist and non-socialist practices and the uncompromising struggle
against all sorts of opportunistic and counterrevolutionary ideological
tendencies in the party's ideological construction.
He stressed the need to conduct in depth theoretical research for
deeply explaining and propagating the ideas and theories and policies of the
WPK and deepen it in a far-sighted way so as to lead the ideological building
of the Party by providing theoretical and profound clarification of the law of
the development of our Party and revolution and the prospect of socialist
construction in the theoretical study field and developing them systematically.
He stressed the need to push ahead with the building of the
party's discipline.
Only when strict discipline is established within the party, is it
possible to thoroughly suppress all unorganized, undisciplined and negative
elements in the whole party work and propel and guarantee the sound development
of the party, he said, referring to the principled issues arising in putting
spurs to the building of party discipline and establishing an accurate and
powerful disciplinary system, including the strict establishment of the
voluntary discipline-observing trait and the discipline-supervising system and
discipline-applying system throughout the party.
He explained the need to build the Party's style of work in a
substantial way.
He clarified the necessity of improving the style of work
throughout the Party and the purpose of building the style of the WPK, and
The excellent style of work created by our Party while leading the
arduous and complicated revolutionary struggle and the building of a new society
constitutes a precious foundation for the building of the style of work in the
new era.
The whole party should steadily and methodically conduct the work
to make officials acquire the revolutionary and popular work styles created by
President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and
developed and enriched by our Party and apply them to real life, so that the
communist work style peculiar to our Party is carried on.
The Party's attention should be paid to establishing among
officials the habit of carrying out the tasks in a responsible way with
revolutionary work attitude and manner.
The Party's fighting efficiency is precisely the ability of
officials to develop, struggle and practice.
We should ensure that the whole Party is permeated with
revolutionary and responsible work styles, including the trait of
unconditionally accepting the Party's decisions and instructions and carrying
them out in time by dint of self-reliance and fortitude, the trait of
disallowing self-complacency and self-praise, encouraging self-reproach and
reflection and always striving with painstaking efforts, and the trait of
carrying out work in a far-sighted way and on a long-term basis, looking
forward to the future.
At the same time, we should wage a ceaseless struggle to overcome
all kinds of negative and varied ideological views and work style, including
the non-revolutionary and non-militant attitude, irresponsibility,
self-protection, formalism and expediency revealed in the practical struggle,
so as to prevent the wrong style of work.
What should be particularly focused in the building of style of
work is to ensure that the correct viewpoint and attitude towards the people
are always prevailing in the Party.
For our Party, which intends to be genuine servants of the people,
a correct viewpoint and attitude towards the people is a matter that cannot be
conceded in any case or under any circumstances.
As I have said, our Party was born to defend the interests of the
working masses and has been working to provide the people with a happy life
since its foundation, and this is why the people call our Party their mother
and follow it.
Our Party upholds the banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism in order
to preserve its character and fulfill its mission as a party serving the
He said that if our Party, oblivious of its character and mission
for a moment, goes authoritarian to display a certain degree of isms, it will
lose its original nature and be forsaken by the people. He stressed that it
should become the mode of existence and mode of revolution of our Party to
deepen the trust of the people by regarding them as divine and devoting itself
to them, purify its climate and attain higher goals by dint of the
single-minded unity between the Party and the people, and went on:
To this end, all officials should make our Party's outlook and
philosophy on the people the motto of their work and life and do their best to
effectively develop the work for absolutely serving the people and enrich the
Party's traditional method of work with the masses in keeping with the present
An official to be trusted at any time and relied on by the masses
without worry is, above all, conscientious and honest.
Only when a good style of work such as being unconventional,
modest and setting an example is supported by conscience and honesty, can it
win the recognition of the masses.
No matter how the times develop and the circumstances change, we
can maintain the excellent work style of the Party and ensure its superiority
if we have only upright and honest officials.
Therefore, in promoting the building of the Party's style of work,
we should always give prominence to and encourage the high sense of simplicity,
honesty and purity and take appropriate practical measures in all the processes
of Party work so as to make it an essential and consolidated trait of
In particular, we should not tolerate any practices of looking
down on the people and infringing upon their rights and interests such as abuse
of power, bureaucratism, irregularities and corruption and impositions outside
the taxes contrary to the sound style of the Party, but eliminate them
At the same time, it is necessary to further subdivide and
actualize the rules of life of officials working at Party organs at all levels,
in keeping with the new requirements of the building of style of work, and
establish an order in which they strictly observe it.
If our Party is strengthened in the aspects of political,
organizational and ideological construction and building of discipline and
style of work as above, it will be possible to solve not only the immediate
tasks for the party building but also the long-term problems on its own
initiative and systematically, thus strengthening its leadership ability and
fighting efficiency and fulfilling its duty as a revolutionary party
responsible for the destiny and future of the people.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified the duty of
the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea in improving
the training of Party cadres in keeping with the new requirement of Party
Noting that the most knotty problem in strengthening our Party and
implementing its fighting programme at present is the shortage of cadres who
are ready to carry it out, he said it is very important that the Party
cadre-training institutions, the Central Cadres Training School in particular,
fulfill their responsibility and duty.
Noting that how the school performs its duty is directly related
to the long-term development of the Party and the future destiny of the
revolution, not just the present party work, he referred to the tasks for
reliably guaranteeing the development and rosy future of the Party by making
redoubled efforts with new viewpoint and new readiness to put the educational
work on the level required by the Party and the revolution.
The basic duty of the Central Cadres Training School of the
Workers' Party of Korea is to train all the students to be genuine
revolutionaries and paramount elements of the Party who are guided only by the revolutionary
ideology of the Party Central Committee and staunchly champion and implement
As already written on the monument bearing on the inscription of
his autograph at the school, the President earnestly taught the students
of Kim Il Sung Higher Party School that they should become competent
officials of the Party and the state who are always working among the people,
standing in the van of the people for the independence and sovereignty of the
country and the freedom and happiness of the people.
The Central Cadres Training School should orient all its work to
training new-type Party officials and servants of the people who are
politically and ideologically sound and have completely changed their work
style and personality in conformity with its basic tasks.
The Party officials desired by our Party are, above all, officials
of real ability, equipped with high level of political and practical
qualifications, who support the Party Central Committee with a pure conscience,
and think and act in accordance with the ideas and intentions of the Party
Central Committee under any circumstances, and who are fully armed themselves
with the Party's ideas and theories and are well versed in the principles and
methods of Party work and have acquired the leadership skills of moving the
masses. They are officials who know how to find the worth and joy of life in
embodying our Party's outlook on the people and people-centered philosophy and
in devoting themselves to the people.
The Central Cadres Training School should be well aware of the
requirements of the Party Central Committee for training cadres and further
improve its education and training in Party spirit so that a person who had
shortcomings in work and life before can be born and brought up in a new way in
the political, ideological, practical and mental and moral aspects once he has
undergone the school's educational process.
Another duty of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK is
to study, explain and propagate our Party's ideas and theories.
The Central Cadres Training School is the basic base and the think
tank of the ideological and theoretical building of our Party.
The Central Cadres Training School should study in depth in
principle our Party's revolutionary ideology and prove and explain the validity,
scientific accuracy and vitality of the newly advanced lines, policies and
fighting policies, so as to enrich the treasure house of our Party's ideology
and theory.
The respected General Secretary said that the Central Cadres
Training School should bring about a radical change in education in order to
successfully carry out its revolutionary tasks.
What is most important is to improve the educational contents in
conformity with the mission and characteristics of the Party cadre training
institution, he said, adding that it is important to make the teaching contents
run through the Party's policies, to give effective education in the history of
the Party, to raise the students' high political consciousness and political
sensitivity, essential qualifications of Party officials, to give students
proper Party work business, to select the educational contents in conformity
with the characteristics of school educational system and to raise the level of
specialization in the teaching activities.
He explained the need to improve the educational form and method
of the school and intensify the educational administration.
Saying that teachers should not be mere conveyors of knowledge but
guide and designer of training talents developed politically and ideologically
and intellectually, he stressed the need to decisively turn from
teacher-centered to student-centered educational methods.
He also referred to all the issues arising in actively exploring
and introducing new teaching forms and methods by applying modern science and
technology, including the VR technology and the augmented reality technology,
and in fairly and accurately assessing the students' ability.
It is important to correctly define the school system and the
criteria for selecting students as required by the mission and duty of the
school and the times and intensify and correctly implement the educational
programme so that it can successfully conduct theoretical and practical
education with the main emphasis on tempering the Party spirit, he said, indicating
the orientation and ways for improving the educational administration and
He stressed the need for the school, which is the core of the
education of the Party cadre training institutions at all levels, to be the
sponsor in unifying the education programme for the party building of the
schools at all levels and contribute to improving the education of the Party
cadre training institutions.
He said that the Central Cadres Training School should improve the
quality of the teacher camp in order to successfully discharge its mission and
Strengthening the school's teacher camp is not a mere practical
work but a responsible work for consolidating the foundation for training party
cadres and guaranteeing the future of the Party, he said, adding that the
teachers of the school are career revolutionaries training the Party's
medium-standing cadres and political activists.
Saying that all teachers should consciously dip themselves into
improving qualifications and self-cultivation and prepare themselves
politically, ideologically in educational, practical, spiritual and moral
aspects so as to become genuine teachers who are respected and always
remembered by students and genuine mirrors for them, he clarified the
principled issues arising in rapidly raising the qualifications and abilities
of teachers and building up the ranks of teachers well.
He set forth concrete tasks for decisively enhancing the function
and role of the school Party committee.
He stressed the need for the school Party committee to focus on
improving the political and practical qualifications and party's cultivation of
the teaching staff and students and improving the organization and guidance of
the Party life and the supply service so that teachers and students can devote themselves
to education and study.
He stressed that the departments of the Party Central Committee
should attach importance to the Central Cadres Training School, pay attention
to the education of the school and put efforts to selecting the enrolment and building
the teacher camp of the school.
Saying that the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK is the
party school of the President and the Chairman and his dear party school both
in name and reality, he clarified the intention of the Party Central Committee
to attach importance to the Central Cadres Training School which should always
share the destiny with the WPK as an indispensable entity for the existence of
the WPK.
He expressed his determination to put forward the Central Cadres
Training School, which is arming and training reserves of the Party, as the
university above the universities in the future, give boost to the Party work,
teaching administration and management of the school while giving direct
support to it and make it a model of universities across the country in all
Expressing expectation and belief that the Central Cadres Training
School would train competent Party officials and proficient political activists
with whom our Party can entrusted the future affairs without anxiety even after
50 years, 100 years and hundreds of years, true to the Party's idea of
prioritizing party building and its policy of training reserves, he called for
working hard for a fresh innovation in the work for training cadres of our
Party and the steady development of the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party
and the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche.
When Kim Jong Un finished the lecture, the participants
broke into stormy cheers and loud applauses full of excitement to hear the unique
idea and theory on party building of Korean style in conformity with the
requirements of the new era of the Juche revolution.
All the participants hardened their firm will to arm themselves
with the revolutionary idea and fighting policies of the great Party Central
Committee and work hard for the brilliant success and victory of our noble idea
and sacred cause, feeling with great excitement the moment of history when a
powerful weapon was born for steadily developing the dignified WPK, which has
recorded the longest history of power under the absolute support and trust of
the people, into the promising party.
The great guidance of Kim Jong Un over the Central
Cadres Training School of the WPK will shine long in the history of the WPK as
a historic guidance that indicated the bright path for the party building in
the new era and set up a new turning point in the work for training the core of
the WPK, thus consolidating the organizational and ideological foundation of
the Party in every way and vigorously promoting the struggle to further
strengthen the WPK into a powerful political General Staff of the revolution,
an elite and iron-willed vanguard rank of the revolution and a genuine motherly