On the Occasion of the 79th Anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea

For the Future of the Country

October 10 this year marks the 79th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the organization that guides the Korean people to all victories.
Over the past eight decades the WPK has overcome the tribulations of history, taking loving care of the Korean people, the rising generations in particular, on its own responsibility.
As early as in the period of building a new country, the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung adopted necessary measures for the good of children–building nurseries and kindergartens throughout the country, and establishing a system of bringing up and educating children at public expense. And in the days of socialist construction he saw to it that the WPK and the state directed particular concern to setting up the most advantageous socialist education system so that all the children in the country could learn to their heart’s content.

True to his lofty intentions, the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il put his heart and soul into training the younger generation to be stout pillars of the country.

Today children across the country are growing happily without any cause for envy under the benevolent care of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Bringing up and educating children is the most important of all state affairs–this is his ennobling view on the future generation of the country.

There are numerous facts to illustrate how much he cares about children. 
Recently, the WPK adopted a policy of providing all the children in the country with dairy products and other nutritious foods at the state’s expenses. And the children’s department store, children’s hospital, children’s camp and children’s palace were newly built or renovated under his close concern.
With the universal 12-year compulsory education system being put in force, he took steps to provide all the children in the country with new school uniforms, satchels and other requisites. Also, on the anniversaries of the Korean Children’s Union, he had celebrations organized in grand style.

In July this year, when the northern part of the country was hit by a flood, he saw to it that the pupils and other children in the affected areas were brought to the capital city of Pyongyang, where they could continue taking lessons in a safe and comfortable environment until the completion of the rehabilitation project.
Under his warm care children across the country are growing up with beautiful dreams and hopes, singing the song We Are the Happiest in the World.

1. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung looks at the children writing letters.
May Juche 47 (1958)
2. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung looks at the girls in new school uniforms.
April Juche 49 (1960)
3. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung talks to a newly-enrolled pupil in class.
September Juche 64 (1975)
4. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung has taken photos of the pupils in new
April Juche 66 (1977)
5. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung attends a New Year celebration of
December Juche 75 (1986)
6. The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung poses for a photo with children.
June Juche 76 (1987)
7. The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il looks at the new clothes for
kindergarteners and schoolchildren.
March Juche 66 (1977)
8. The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il poses for a photo with schoolchildren.
April Juche 79 (1990)
9. The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il meets students at Mangyongdae
Revolutionary School.
January Juche 86 (1997)
10. The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il visits Mubong Middle School.
October Juche 91 (2002)
11. The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il looks at the painting drawn by a child.
January Juche 95 (2006)
12. The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il looks round Sojung Middle School in
Ragwon County.
April Juche 98 (2009)
13. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un attends the Sixth Session of the 12th
Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
September Juche 101 (2012)
The session adopts the law on enforcing the universal 12-year compulsory
14. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un presides over the Third Plenary Meeting
of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
June Juche 110 (2021)
An item on the agenda of the meeting is to adopt a Party policy of providing all
the children in the country with dairy products and other nutritious foods at the
state’s expenses.
15. The decree “On Adopting the Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea on Childcare” is adopted with unanimous approval at the Sixth Session of
the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK held in February Juche 111
16. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at a children’s
hospital under construction.
July Juche 102 (2013)
17. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un looks round the Songdowon
International Children’s Camp before its inauguration.
April Juche 103 (2014)
18. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance over the
construction of Pyongyang Baby Home and Pyongyang Orphanage.
June Juche 103 (2014)
19. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance over the
construction of a baby home and an orphanage in the city of Wonsan.
February Juche 104 (2015)
20. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the renovated
Mangyongdae Children’s Camp.
June Juche 105 (2016)
21. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the Pyongyang
Children’s Foodstuff Factory.
November Juche 104 (2015)
22. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the Mindulle
Notebook Factory.
April Juche 105 (2016)
23. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the Pyongyang
Bag Factory.
January Juche 106 (2017)
24. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un meets the delegates of the Korean
Children’s Union attending the celebrations of the 66th anniversary of the KCU.
June Juche 101 (2012)
25. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un attends the Seventh Congress of the
Korean Children’s Union.
June Juche 102 (2013)
26. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un attends the Eighth Congress of the
Korean Children’s Union.
June Juche 106 (2017)
27. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits the Kyongsang Kindergarten.
July Juche 101 (2012)
28. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un poses for a photo with children.
November Juche 101 (2012)
29. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits the nursery of the Pyongyang
Condiments Factory.
June Juche 102 (2013)
30. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gives on-site guidance at the Okryu
Children’s Hospital.
March Juche 103 (2014)
31. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un looks round the Mangyongdae
Schoolchildren’s Palace.
May Juche 103 (2014)
32. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits the Pyongyang Orphanage on New
Year’s Day.
January Juche 104 (2015)
33. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits the newly built Pyongyang
Primary School for Orphans.
February Juche 106 (2017)
34. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visits the Paeumui Chollikil
Schoolchildren’s Palace.
May Juche 108 (2019)
35. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un meets the students of Mangyongdae
Revolutionary School and Kang Pan Sok Revolutionary School.
October Juche 111 (2022)
36. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un meets the exemplary members of the
Korean Children’s Union.
January Juche 113 (2024)
37. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un meets the pupils from the flood-hit areas
after they are provided with new uniforms and school things.
August Juche 113 (2024)
38. Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace, a base for extracurricular education
39. Lobby of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace
40. Art hall of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace
41. Auditorium of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace
42. Kayagum group of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace
43. Dance group of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace
44. Songdowon International Children’s Camp
45. Pyongyang Baby Home and Pyongyang Orphanage
46. Children at the newly-built Pyongyang Orphanage
47. Children of the Pyongyang Orphanage at playtime
48. Okryu Children’s Hospital
49. Lobby of the Okryu Children’s Hospital
50. Inpatient ward of the Okryu Children’s Hospital
51. Indoor rest area of the Okryu Children’s Hospital
52. Young inpatients taking lessons at the modernly-equipped Okryu Children’s
Hospital in Pyongyang
53. Kindergarteners celebrating International Children’s Day
54. Kindergarteners playing paduk (go)
55. Kindergarteners in a Korean language lesson
56. Newly-enrolled pupils taking their first lesson
57. At the Masikryong Ski Resort
58. Children playing musical instruments
59. An artistic performance given by schoolchildren
60. Artistic performance of schoolchildren for greeting the new year 2024
61. Schoolchildren marching to demonstrate that they are fully determined to serve
their socialist country

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